Hear it here first
This is where I'll keep you up to date on all the latest news to do with me, my book Everybody Jam, how the next one's coming along and what I've been up to and where I've been
Warwick event
Wed 30th May 2012
I was in Warwick today for a school's Carnegie shadowing event. Had a lovely time.
Back from Peru
Tue 22nd May 2012
Back from Peru and not feeling too jet-lagged - thank goodness. I went with my Mum - our first holiday together for years and years. Not since I was about eight, I think.
Mum hadn't been abroad for about 45 years either - so it was a BIG trip in lots of ways.
We weren't just going on holiday either, we were going to hike the Inca Trail to raise money for Marie Curie Cancer Care.And what...
Carnegie kicks off
Wed 9th May 2012
Just did my first Carnegie Shadowing event at Northallerton - Allertonshire School, in North Yorkshire - home turf.
I had some great questions - including 'if you were going to write a sequel to Everybody Jam, what would happen in it?'
The answer was 'I don't know' because I've never thought about writing a sequel to the book. But now, having thought about it some more, if I did, then may be I'd fast...
Carnegie videos
Mon 9th April 2012
There are some videos on the Carnegie Medal website now - where I'm talking about the book and doing a reading and things. If you'd like to watch them, they're here.
Carnegie Medal 2012
Tue 27th March 2012
Everubody Jam has been shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal